Sign in to Vidhya Bharti E-EDU HUB

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Password Recovery

Enter the email address that you used when creating your account and we will send you everything you need to recover your password.

Welcome to your new Academy!

Hurray! welcome to your new online academy! We've included some sample content for you to play as a student would. You can also access the admin panel from the menu (Manage academy).

Note: Your account details has been sent to your registerd email.


At our academy we want to help as many students as possible to achieve their dream of an international education online. If you have any queries or need any information about our courses then write us and we will reply to your email.

Contact Us

ADDRESS: Vidhyabharati College of Pharmacy, C. K. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati 444 602.

TELEPHONE: 9922410172